Saturday, December 13, 2014

More Star Era

I'm back with more Star Era goodness! Starting with a bunch of pics I PrtSc'd. First I have some side-by-sides of cards in their original form, and then after they achieve their 'final form'. You can also get an idea of how a card's stats evolve as they level up. Alas, poor Edison and Simon still suck, weighing in at one lowly star rating their overall potential is limited, but now they will look cooler when they fail. They do have a lot more leveling to go, and yes, her name really is Simon.
Now, there are a lot of ways to acquire cards in Star Era, as drops from enemies they call Infectors, as rewards from completing certain tasks, from events, and from exploring different areas throughout the spacecraft you reside in. Cards can be merged, sometimes automatically if they are the same named card, and thus they acquire experience. Special cards called Sirius' can give cards an extra large boost of experience.
Some other things of note. On the pro side, there is very little in the way of pay-to-win in the game. There is, of course, a cash shop, but the currency used therein (diamonds) can be acquired, in small quantities, in-game. My con isn't really a con. At least not to me. I grew up in the golden age of gaming, or so says I. Back before walk-throughs and strategy guides. That said, there is almost no help at all in Star Era, so there is a bit of a learning curve. I mean, can I at least get a mouse-over explanation every once in a while? Even the Wikia seems fairly sparse, although for some reason it does include a picture of every card, which I don't want. I do want to know how the Strength in pvp is calculated, among other things. If anyone knows..
That's all I can think of for now. Time for more lovely screens from the game. First there are a few backdrops from some of the exploration areas. These get a little less attention than the cards, but they still look pretty solid. The 'map' at the center shows what cards can be found in the area, but only after you've actually found them. There is usually one card that is rarer, and some of these areas can be revisited to stockpile certain cards.
Below that is the area where you organize your cards into groups to send out into combat. Then there's a pic of the new cards available from the latest event. And lastly, a shot of what combat looks like. That's it for today. If you get in the game, let me know what you think.

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