Monday, December 22, 2014

Star Era Celebrates Xmas

Christmas means holiday themed cards courtesy of Star Era! Yeah, this is kind of a filler post, but I do love the artwork of Star Era. Vicsen on the left there is mine and many others' favorite, but holy socks do I ever hate the Dondon card. It's just so fundamentally flawed, from her vacant stare to her seemingly dead left arm just hanging from her side. What's she staring at off to my left anyways? I'm not even going to get into that ugly skirt thing she's got on. I'm assuming it's that and not a shawl, since she isn't wearing pants. 
Anyways, I definitely dig all the other ones, although I'm super confused by what furry Mandy Lissy is supposed to be. And no luck getting any of the six star cards yet sadly.
Well, that's all for now. I hope everyone enjoys their holiday and gets all the games on their wish list. Ho ho ho.

1 comment:

  1. I got a Mandy Lissy from the holiday event. It's my first six star card, so I'm pretty psyched. New event has a basketball theme, and the new cards look amazing. Though I have to wonder if they ever have male cards showcased in events. Just wondering is all.
