Sunday, December 21, 2014

Legacy of a Thousand Suns

Well, I must say that I love me a good sci-fi yarn, and Legacy of a Thousand Suns is a pretty darn good one. From the moment I entered into it's world, I felt very at home with it's aesthetic. The interface is very clean and practically screams futuristic space adventure. Or something to that effect. The game's jargon is no different. If you are a sci-fi fan you will feel right at home from the start.
Thankfully, sci-fi fans can generally be counted on to not be afraid of some reading. Both Legacy's plot and combat unfold primarily through the use of storyboards, such as the ones pictured. And I am happy to say I cannot rant about bad translations in Legacy. There can be a lot to read, but the story is both understandable and, more importantly, very well written. Since you probably can't see it in the pic, it goes something like:
A ragged cheer goes up as the last Centurian falls. For a moment there's calm, though the noise of distant weapons fire shows that you're simply in the eye of the storm. All around your fragile bubble of safety, chaos still rages.
You turn to Sergeant Tarik, the highest ranking guardsman there.
"What's our status?" you ask.
He shakes his head, his expression grim.
"The ship's lost captain. They got the bridge."
"We have to take it back," says Princess Illaria.
"There are too many of them, Highness," replies the sergeant. "We need to get you to the nearest hangar. There's still time to get you out."
"I won't surrender the Child of Heaven," she says.
Sergeant Tarik turns to you, a look of appeal in his eyes. It's mirrored on the faces of the other guards. None of them can bring himself to contradict the Princess of the Sian Empire, but you read the thought on all their minds.
"We'll all die for you, Highness," you say, gesturing at the bodies of the fallen. "But don't let us die in vain. If you escape the Centurians, these men and women will have fallen doing their duty."

Not bad, right? Being a fan of the books, and the reading, etc., I was drawn to the writing most of all, but Legacy has all the other nice things you expect from a good MMO as well. The artwork didn't rock my socks, but it's good. There four different PVP modes: duel, skirmish, galaxy dome, and beatdown, though there isn't much to see or do. You just initiate, then results pop up. There's also some crafting to do, a bunch of achievements, and raids, which are something of an equivalent to world bosses.
Missions, as well as raids, have four different difficulty levels that they can be cleared on. When you clear one, the next becomes available, with increasingly better rewards each go around. There are a dozen leaderboards to fight your way onto, and with player levels reaching well into the thousands, if this game gets it's teeth into you, you could in it for the long haul.


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